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「We-recycle@School」Programme Awards

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In order to encourage students to active participating in this Activity, and to promote waste reduction and clean recycling to their family members and the larger community, this Activity will offer the following awards:

“Green Campus Transformation” Competition

1. Best School Recycling Corner Design Award
  • The competition is divided into Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector. Participating schools have to create a short video (no more than 2 minutes) and provide 2-3 photos showcasing the before/after of their campus recycling corner and their design ideas. The video and photos should be uploaded to social media or online drive (please grant “read” access, otherwise it will not be reviewed without notice).
  • From 1 October 2024 to 31 May 2025 (“competition period”), schools should upload the video and photos links and school details to this online form
Assessment Criteria:
Short videos uploaded by schools will be assessed according to the following criteria:
  • Aesthetics (30%): Assess the overall visual appeal and design of the recycling corner
  • Use of eco-friendly materials (20%): Use of upcycling materials in the design
  • Functionality (20%): Assess its convenience for teachers and students to use the recycling corner (e.g. location and identification of the recycling bins)
  • Educational elements (20%): Education and interactive elements in promoting waste reduction and recycling
  • Creativity (10%): Unique and creative design or operational methods

Gold, silver and bronze awards will be awarded in order to the top three schools with the highest scores each in the Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector.

No. of Awards and Prizes:
The following awards are set each for Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector. Each awarded school will receive a trophy.
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bronze

“SGREEN” Inter-school Recycling Competition (“Inter-school Recycling Competition”)

2. Recycling Guru Award
  • The competition is divided into Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector. Students participate as individuals and are required to scan school-specific QR code (to be distributed by schools) to enter the registration website of “Parent-child Group”, and submit their “GREEN$” membership numbers for enrolment during the competition period.
Assessment Criteria:
  • After enrolling by the above method, the recycling record (Note 1) of the students’ GREEN$ membership numbers will be used to determine the award ranking.
  • Regardless of enrolment time, the total recycling quantity during the entire competition period will be counted.
  • Top 15 students with the highest total recycling quantity will be awarded each in the Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector.
No. of Awards and Prizes:
  • 15 awards each for Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector. Each awarded student will receive a certificate and a $100 book voucher.
3. Top Recycling Quantity Award - School
  • The competition is divided into Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector. Participating schools have to submit school recycling records during the competition period through the online platform of “School Group”
Assessment Criteria:
  • The school recycling records within the competition period submitted through the online platform of “School Group” will be used to determine the award rankings.
  • Regardless of enrolment time, the total recycling quantity collected from school during the entire competition period will be counted.
  • Gold, silver and bronze awards will be awarded in order to the top three schools with the highest total recyclable quantity during the competition period each in the Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector.
No. of Awards and Prizes:
The below awards and prizes are set for Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector:
AwardPrize of each winner
  • Gold
1 trophy and 33 nos. of Ocean Park Back-of-house Visit - Marine Conservation & Animal Husbandry quota
  • Silver
  • Bronze
1 trophy
4. Best Participating Family Award
  • Students and their family members participate in this award in the capacity of households. Apart from competing for individual awards, students can also register up to three family members’ GREEN$ membership numbers through the “Parent-child Group” registration website (by scanning the QR codes distributed via schools) during the competition period to compete for this award. The GREEN$ membership numbers of each member cannot be duplicated.
Assessment Criteria:
  • For students who register on the registration website of "Parent-child Group", the number of recycling days (Note 1) recorded in the GREEN$ membership numbers of themselves and all their family members will be used to determine the award ranking.
  • Each participating student and his/her family members can visit different GREEN@COMMUNITY facilities as many times as they wish to recycle on the same day, but the total visits of all persons on that day will only be counted once in total.
  • Regardless of the enrolment time, the total number of recycling days recorded during the entire competition period will be counted.
  • The top 20 households with the highest total number of recycling days will be awarded prizes.
No. of Awards and Prizes:
  • 20 awards for household. Each awarded household will receive a certificate and $300 supermarket vouchers.
5. Best Participating School Award
  • The competition is divided into Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector. During the competition period, school will automatically become one of the candidates of this award if their students have submitted their personal GREEN$ membership numbers via the school-specific QR codes to the registration website of “Parent-child Group”.
  • Participating schools should help promote and encourage students to participate in community recycling activities during the competition period.
Assessment Criteria:
  • The system will automatically record the total number of student GREEN$ members in each school for determining the award ranking.
  • Gold, silver and bronze awards will be awarded in order to the top 3 schools with the highest total number of student GREEN$ members during the competition period each in the Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector.
No. of Awards and Prizes:
The following awards are set each for Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector. Each awarded school will receive a trophy.
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bronze
6. Supreme Recycling Award - School
  • The competition is divided into Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector. Schools will be eligible for competing this award automatically if the following items are satisfied:
    • Schools have submitted school recycling records during the competition period for competing “Top Recycling Quantity Award – School”; and
    • Students have submitted their “GREEN$” membership numbers during the competition period for competing “Recycling Guru Award”.
Assessment Criteria:
  • The following recycling records during the competition period will be aggregated:
    1. School recycling records submitted through the online platform of “School Group”
    2. All recycling records under the GREEN$ membership numbers of all students who registered through the registration website of “Parent-child Group”
  • The school with the highest total recycling quantity during the competition period will be awarded each in the Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector.
No. of Awards and Prizes:
  • 1 award is set each for Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector. Each awarded school will receive a trophy, 33 nos. of Ocean Park Entry Pass and 33 nos. of Ocean Park In-park Education Programme.

Overall Performance Award

7. Best Green and Low Carbon Action Award
  • Schools enrolled in the “We-recycle@School” Activity can become a candidate of this award.
  • Participating schools should submit a summary of completed campus waste reduction and recycling educational activities for the school year through this online form during the competition period. Schools can list out waste reduction and recycling activities they have rolled out or implemented by text, multimedia and other appropriate means.
Assessment Criteria:
The activity summaries submitted by schools will be reviewed according to the following evaluation criteria:
  • Content (40%): Relevancy of the themes and goals of the activities organised/participated to waste reduction or recycling.
  • Design and Creativity (30%): Originality and creativity of the activities organised/participated, whether they are suitable for target audiences/ students.
  • Effectiveness (30%): Total number of participants of the activities organised/ participated, assessments of target audiences/ students etc.
No. of Awards and Prizes:
  • 1 award is set each for Secondary School Sector and Primary School Sector. Each awarded school will receive a trophy.

(Note 1: If participants recycle regulated electrical equipment at GREEN@COMMUNITY or food waste at food waste smart bins, only recycling days will be counted in these awards but not the corresponding recycling quantity.)


Terms and Conditions of the Competitions

  • The personal data provided by the participating schools and students are used for the purpose of processing competition applications by the EPD and Ocean Park Hong Kong (collectively termed as “the Organisers”) only.
  • Participating schools and students are not allowed to cheat or violate any competition rules during the competitions. Violators will be disqualified once discovered.
  • Participating schools and students must understand and agree to license the copyright of their works to the Organisers for free. The Organisers have the right to exhibit, publish, publicise, educate or use the works in any media format for non-profit purposes. The Organisers have the right to modify, translate, adapt, use, copy and distribute all or part of the relevant works without the consent of the participating teams or the payment of any fees.
  • All assessment results are subject to the final decision of the Organisers. In case of any dispute, the Organisers have the final decision.
  • Students who will be awarded prizes must present their identity documents, “GREEN$” membership numbers (if applicable) or other valid documents for the Organisers to verify their identities.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to make the final decision on all competition activities, including the interpretation, change, cancellation or suspension of the terms and conditions, prizes and other arrangements of this Activity without prior notice.
  • Once participating schools, students and their family members (collectively termed as “the applicants”) submit works, data and other information to participate in the competitions, it is equivalent to accepting the relevant terms and conditions listed above. If the Organisers believe that there is any violation of the relevant terms and conditions of this activity, the Organisers will reserve the right to disqualify the applicants from participating and winning at any time, and these competitions do not have any appeal mechanism.