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Source Separation of Domestic Waste



The Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste aims to increase the quantity of recyclables collected and reduce the amount of waste disposed. This is done by encouraging and assisting property management companies to provide waste separation bins within their estate / building premises to facilitate residents to separate waste at source.

Residents only need to separate recyclables in their waste by category, such as waste paper, metals and plastics, and then take them to the designated recycling bins in their estates. This is very convenient.

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Waste Separation Bins at residential building
Types of Commendation Scheme awards
Green Outreaching Team providing advice on using waste separation facilities
Waste Separation Bins at residential building
Types of Commendation Scheme awards
Green Outreaching Team providing advice on using waste separation facilities

Free Waste Separation Bins

  • Facilitate residents separate recyclables from their waste by category

Enhance Estate Image

  • Commendation Certificate for each participating housing estates with full submission of recyclable figures within assessment period and different levels of awards for the estates with good performance
  • Name of estates and the Property Management Company are shown in EPD website and WasteLess app as a recognition

Publicity, Education and Technical support

  • Education and Promotion Support by Green Outreaching Team
  • Provide suggested outlets for recovered recyclables. Participating housing estates feel free to choose their recycler for collection, and organise periodic collection programmes for other types of reusable / recyclable materials, e.g. clothing, printer toners, etc.

Who can join?

Types of residential buildings
Types of housing estates
Types of residential buildings
Types of housing estates
Types of residential buildings
Types of housing estates

The Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste covers most Public and Private Housing Estates and residential buildings, together with Government Quarters, University Quarters and Student Halls etc. 

How to join?

The Management Company, Incorporated Owners' Committee or Owners' Committee could enrol online or download the application form and return the completed form to EPD by email to fax.

Free 3-colour recycling bins

Waste Separation Bins for collecting different types of recyclables, including paper, metals, plastics and glass bottles
Waste Separation Bins for collecting different types of recyclables, including fluorescent lamp and rechargeable battery
Waste Separation Bins for collecting different types of recyclables, including paper, metals, plastics and glass bottles
Waste Separation Bins for collecting different types of recyclables, including fluorescent lamp and rechargeable battery
Waste Separation Bins for collecting different types of recyclables, including paper, metals, plastics and glass bottles
Waste Separation Bins for collecting different types of recyclables, including fluorescent lamp and rechargeable battery

New Bins

Housing estates / buildings can apply for free waste separation bins for placement on the ground floor of each building block or commonly accessible areas via the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC)’s Promotion Programme on Source Separation of Waste.

Replacement of bins

Apply to ECC for bin replacement if the existing bins have been damaged or deteriorated, and has been used for:

  • 3 years for Plastic bins
  • 5 years for Metal bins

(For other replacement reasons, ECC Secretariat will consider the application on a case-by-case basis)

Details of the application can be clicked here

Application for Glass Bottles, Rechargeable Batteries, Fluorescent Lamps and Tubes Recycling Bins

Glass Management Contractors and Recycling Stations

Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme

Rechargeable Battery Recycling Programme

Technical Education Promotion Support

Residents taking part in the game booths managed by Green Outreaching Team
Residents taking part in the game booths managed by Green Outreaching Team
Green Outreaching Team meeting Property Management staff
Publicity materials about recyclables
Publicity materials about recyclables
Publicity materials about recyclables
Publicity materials about recyclables
Publicity materials about recyclables
Publicity materials about recyclables

Technical support

Green Outreaching Team visit individual housing estates / residential buildings and help the estate 

  • Advice appropriate locations for setting up waste separation bins, 
  • Application of free waste separation bins or sharing bin supplier information, 
  • Provide suggested outlets for recovered recyclables

Education and promotional support

  • Bin stickers
  • Publicity materials on Clean Recycling
  • Promotion booth and Green talks

Commendation Scheme

Types of Commendation Scheme awards

List of Awardees

Achievement Awards
Certificate of Merit2023-20242022-20232021-2022
Other Awards
Award for Enhancement
Award for Lowest Waste Disposal Quantity
Award for Promotion


As at November 2024, over 2800 estates or residential buildings have joined the "Program on Source Separation of Domestic Waste"

List of Participating Housing Estates/Residential Buildings

Besides, people in rural areas can also participate in source separation of waste through recycling bins provided in Refuse Collection Points, covering about 700 rural villages. Therefore, over 80% of the Hong Kong population can participate in recycling using the waste separation facilities close to their homes.

2023/24 Commendation Scheme Results List

Award*No. of Awardees
「Award list of the Commendation Scheme 2023/24」
「Result list of the Commendation Scheme 2023/24」
「Result list of the Commendation Scheme 2023/24」


2022/23 Commendation Scheme Results List

Award*No. of Awardees
「Award list of the Commendation Scheme 2022/23」
「Result list of the Commendation Scheme 2022/23」


2021/22 Commendation Scheme Results List

Award*No. of Awardees
「Award list of the Commendation Scheme 2021/22」
「Result list of the Commendation Scheme 2021/22」


Frequently Asked Questions