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Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme


Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme



To enhance public awareness in the recycling of fluorescent lamps & tubes, the Programme provides a Helpdesk Hotline (5663 9469) that is operated from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday.  Property management / representatives of housing estates and buildings who are interested in participating in the Programme are welcome to call the Hotline for more information and application for registration.

Fluorescent lamps, especially compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), are well known as the energy saving lighting equipment.  However, the lamps contain glass, metal and tiny amount of mercury, which requires special care during the collection and disposal.

To this end, the Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme (FLRP), a voluntary Producer Responsibility Scheme has been established by the lighting trade in March 2008 to collect and treat mercury-containing lamps, including CFLs, fluorescent tubes and high intensity discharge lamps from household.  

Nevertheless, the mercury-containing lamps generated from commercial and industrial sectors are not covered by the Programme since these organisations are required to recycle their lamps in accordance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance.  As required under the law, any premises that store a significant quantity (e.g. over 500 pieces) of used mercury-containing lamps have to register with the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) as a chemical waste producer, and arrange for proper collection and treatment of the used lamps at the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC).  

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What and Where to recycle

Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Programme

What to recycle

The FLRP accepts spent mercury-containing lamps generated from household.  These include:

compact fluorescent lamps

Compact Fluorescent Lamps

other fluorescent lamps (including straight tubes and other shapes)

Straight tubes      Round tubes

high intensity discharge (HID) lamps
HID Lamps

How to recycle

Here's what you need to do before recycling spent mercury-containing lamps:
1. Place the used lamps in a packaging (e.g. reuse the packaging of new lamps);
2. For broken lamps, put them in a plastic bag and seal them with adhesive tape before deposit;
3. Remember to protect yourself with disposable rubber gloves and take precautions when cleaning up broken lamps;
4. Bring the properly wrapped lamps to a Collection Point for recycling.

Where to recycle

Treatment of Fluorescent Lamps

What happens to the deposited fluorescent lamps

Licensed chemical waste collectors pick up the spent lamps from designated points and deliver them to the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC) for proper treatment.  There is a special treatment facility for mercury-containing waste, including fluorescent lamps, thermometers and blood-pressure meters.  Mercury is recovered from the lamps for recycling, and the remaining waste is treated before disposal.

The Treatment Facility at CWTC for Handling Fluorescent Lamps

Lamp Processor
Lamp Processor
HID Lamp Crusher
Compact Crush & Separation (CCS) and HID Lamp Crusher
Treatment Process
Fluorescent lamps and tubes are fed into the CCS and HID Lamp Crusher for separation into glass fraction, phosphor powder and metal parts.
Treatment Process
Mercury bearing powder or metal parts are then heated up in the distiller where mercury will be vaporized. After that, mercury vapour is condensed and recovered.

Existing controls on mercury-containing waste

The lamps generated from commercial and industrial premises, such as shopping malls, property management offices and schools are not covered by the FLRP.  In accordance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance, any premises that store a significant quantity (i.e. over 500 pieces) of used mercury-containing lamps have to be registered with the EPD as a chemical waste producer who should arrange for proper collection and treatment of the used lamps at the CWTC.

Join Now

Housing Estates

If property management / representatives of the housing estates are interested in joining the Programme, please submit the Application Form, or call the Hotline (5663 9469) for more information. The Programme will provide collection boxes, publicity materials and detailed guidance information to participated housing estates. However, the Programme is not applicable to the mercury-containing lamps generated from commercial and industrial sectors, including the fluorescent lamps and tubes installed at public area of the buildings.

A. Small quantity producers

If the collection box is filled up before the scheduled collection date, the estate management can call the Programme’s Contractor at 3162 3417 to check if a special collection arrangement can be arranged.  In case of doubt, you may contact the Hotline at 5663 9469.
Guidance Notes - Participating Housing Estates (non chemical waste producers).

B. Large quantity producers

If your estate collects a large quantity (over 500 pieces) of spent mercury-containing lamps generated from the residents, you have to register as a chemical waste producer and follow the requirements stipulated under the Waste Disposal Ordinance and Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste)(General) Regulation.  The estate management can set up a chemical waste storage area, and follow proper labelling and packaging requirements as currently practiced for managing other chemical wastes.  Moreover, if you have accumulated over 500 pieces of spent lamps, you can call the Contractor of the CWTC at 2434 6450 for collection arrangement.
Guidance Notes - Participating Housing Estates (registered chemical waste producers)

Participating Companies and Organisations

The lighting trade has a shared responsibility to properly treat the post-consumer spent mercury-containing lamps.  The FLRP is currently supported and funded by the lighting trade.  The Hong Kong Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recycling Association is the Programme Manager while EPD serves as the Programme Advisor by providing advice and support to the Programme and promoting the FLRP to the public.  

Member Companies

The following companies currently support and fund the Programme.

  • Luen Yick Electrical Mfg. Co., Ltd.
  • The Westwood
Organising Companies Logo

Supporting Organisations

The following companies are also supporting the Programme, for example by providing collection points at their retail outlets and stations.

  • E Lighting Group Holdings Ltd
  • Japan Home Centre (HK) Ltd
  • Pricerite Stores Ltd
  • Sunshine Lighting Ltd
  • Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd

Government Departments and Non-Government Organisations

  • Business Environment Council
  • Environmental Association
  • Friends of the Earth (HK)
  • Green Power
  • Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies
  • Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association
  • Hong Kong Housing Authority
  • Hong Kong Housing Society
  • World Green Organisation


Find Out More

Useful Contacts

  • FLRP Helpdesk Hotline: 5663 9469
  • Email address:

Collection Service for Participating Estates:

FLRP Contractor Hotline for Non-chemical Waste Producer:

  • Respective Recycling Stations of Green@Community recycling network (Click here for more details), or
  • 3162 3417 (Vannex International Limited)

FLRP Contractor Hotline for Chemical Waste Producer:

  • CWTC Customer Service Hotline: 2434 6450


Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
