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Supplier List


Bin Supplier List

Non-Exhaustive List of Local Suppliers of Waste Separation Bins

Non-Exhaustive List of Local Suppliers of Waste Separation Bins
Updated on 10-May-2023

This is a non-exhaustive list of local suppliers of waste separation bins on each floor. The Hong Kong SAR Government does not warrant or guarantee that the contents of this list are accurate or complete and disclaims any responsibility to the users of this list and the suppliers mentioned therein in respect of any errors therein. The inclusion of any suppliers does not in any way imply endorsement by the Hong Kong SAR Government and the non-inclusion of any suppliers should not be construed as indicating any negative concern by the Hong Kong SAR Government towards those suppliers.

If any local suppliers of waste separation bins are interested in adding information of your company to the above list, please fill in the registration form and return it to us for application.

Electric Composter Supplier List

Non-Exhaustive List of Local Suppliers of Electric Composters

Non-Exhaustive List of Local Suppliers of Electric Composters
Updated on 17-Oct-2022

This is a non-exhaustive list of local suppliers of electric composters. The information is provided by the above suppliers. The Hong Kong SAR Government does not warrant or guarantee that the contents of this list are accurate or complete and disclaims any responsibility to the users of this list and the suppliers mentioned therein in respect of any errors therein. The inclusion of any suppliers does not in any way imply endorsement by the Hong Kong SAR Government and the non-inclusion of any suppliers should not be construed as indicating any negative concern by the Hong Kong SAR Government towards those suppliers.

If any local suppliers of electrical composters are interested in adding information of your company to the above list, please fill in the registration form and return it to us for application.