Packaging Reduction Tips for Different Sectors

PDF - Practical Guides on Packaging Reduction And Management – Supermarkets and Grocery Stores Sector
PDF - Practical Guides on Packaging Reduction And Management – Logistics Sector
PDF - Practical Guides on Packaging Reduction And Management – E-commerce Sector
PDF - Practical Guides on Packaging Reduction And Management – Hotel and Hospitality Sector
PDF - Practical Guides on Packaging Reduction And Management – Electronics and Electrical Appliances Sector
PDF - Practical Guides on Packaging Reduction And Management – Beverage Manufacturing Sector
Packaging has been playing its indispensable role in business activities and our daily lives. Yet, many of these packaging are intended to be used only once or a limited number of times before disposal. In Hong Kong, environmental problems caused by excessive packaging have been a growing concern, of which consumers are demanding more for products with simple packaging.
Therefore, it is high time to rethink how business could balance various environmental criteria of packaging with other functional and commercial considerations, and look at ways of tackling packaging and reducing the amount of materials.
To facilitate the trade in kick-starting their journey on packaging reduction and management, the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”) is developing a set of “Practical Guides on Packaging Reduction and Management” (“Guides”) for specific sectors to provide practical tips and experience sharing on how to avoid and reduce packaging consumption and achieve sustainable packaging management in their daily operations. In addition, in response to the requirements of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”) on the Environmental, Social, and Governance Report (“ESG Report”) of the listed companies for financial years commencing on or after 1 July 2020, these Guides also offer guidance and reference for trade to prepare packaging reporting and disclose packaging data in a harmonised structure so as to identify areas of improvement beyond their current practices.
You may view the guides by clicking above links.
Other sectorial guides are under preparation, and we will soon share them with the trade when ready.